Qualifications for Obtaining Medi-Cal

When applying, you must know how to qualify for MediCal. Your income must be at or below 138 percent of the federal poverty level. You would be best if you were under 19, and your dependents must be younger than 19. You must also know if you have any countable assets.

Adults with a monthly income of 138 percent or less of the federal poverty level

Medi Cal is a health care program for low-income adults. Eligibility is determined by meeting the federal guidelines. These guidelines vary by location in the U.S. and the number of people living in the household. The federal poverty level is the income limit used for Medicaid and CHIP. Federal poverty guidelines are published by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Adults must have an income below 138 percent of the federal poverty level. The income limit is different for individuals who have children. For example, adults with a monthly income of $13,500 or less than the federal poverty level qualify for Medi-Cal. However, pregnant women and children under 18 can apply for the program even if their income is above the poverty level.

Dependents under the age of 19

A parent must meet certain qualifications before their child is eligible for Medi-Cal. For example, the family’s income must fall below 138% of the federal poverty level (FPL), and the child’s income must be less than $266 per month. In addition, the child must be under 19 years of age to qualify for Medi-Cal.

A child can be disabled and still receive benefits if they are a full-time elementary or high school student.

Countable assets are countable

Countable assets are any assets you possess, including cash, stocks, bonds, and investments. These assets can be held in checking or savings accounts. They also include automobiles, irrevocable burial trusts, and your primary home. However, there are some exempt assets that you may not have to disclose. For example, personal belongings, such as jewelry, art, and furniture, are not countable.

A primary residence is not countable when obtaining Medi-Cal, but there are other types of wealth that you may have. For example, if you rent your home, you may have other wealth you need to spend to qualify for Medi-Cal. This will cost you money that you could have used elsewhere.

COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) affects eligibility for Medi-Cal

The COVID-19 public health emergency affects Medicaid eligibility in several ways. First, although a COVID-related emergency is an exception to the general rules for applying for Medi-Cal, several restrictions and stipulations still apply. For instance, the FMAP for 2019 will be higher than in 2020. However, this change will be effective only if the beneficiary’s COVID-related illness is covered for the full period of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

The COVID-19 public health emergency is a federally-issued declaration that requires Medicaid agencies to continue providing health care to Medicaid members. As a result, most AHCCCS and KidsCare members have maintained their health care coverage. Additionally, the federal government can extend this emergency for up to 90 days. It has extended the COVID-19 public health emergency multiple times since March 2020.
